About Me

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
I am a free lance photographer specialising in Event, Sport, Landscape and Travel Photography.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Brisbane by Bike & G1X

Life's little challenges are coming thick and fast so I've decided to start a little project - to photograph Brisbane using only my Canon G1X from a cyclists point of view.

I've traded the road bike for a mountain bike which should enable me to get to quite a few more interesting places.  This has in part been inspired by a photographer friend who has recently bought a mountain bike, and convinced me of the benefits...

I'll update this blog occasionally with images from this project and keep everyone informed of my results.   The goal is to lose 10kg in 6 weeks.

And for the photographers out there I'll post details of how the image was captured including settings. Here's the first few, all without any post production modifications (except for cropping)

G1X, camera resting on bridge support - ISO 400, f/3.2, 1.0 sec, -2/3 EV, Aperture Priority

G1X, camera resting on bridge railing - ISO 1600, f/7.1, 1.0 sec, -2/3 EV, Aperture Priority

G1X, camera resting on bridge railing - ISO 1600, f/8.0, 0.8 sec, -2/3 EV, Aperture Priority

Brisbane really is a gorgeous city by might and there's lots to see.   Now to get some decent pedals for the mountain bike and a more comfy seat for the long miles ahead...!

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